The Newson Trust

The Revd Mr Newson was formerly Vicar of St Andrews Chelsea. When he died in 1968, he left his estate to provide a copy of Verdict on Jesus by Leslie Badham in perpetuity to all Anglican clergy. Since that time, the Newson Trust has been sending out this book annually.

Thus, The Newson Trust exists primarily to ensure that all Anglican clergy in the British Isles receive a copy of Verdict on Jesus, so that, as the Revd S G Newson put it, ‘they have the right idea of our Lord Jesus Christ’. The Trust has more recently extended its provision to Methodist and United Reform ministers.

The Revd S J Newson also wished to make The Greatest Thing in the World by Henry Drummond readily available to all clergy. This is a classic meditation on St Paul’s hymn to love in 1 Corinthians 13. That book is available free electronically: