
Leslie Badham

The Revd Leslie Badham (1908-75) was a Senior Scholar at what was then known as St. David’s College, Lampeter, before taking a second degree at Jesus College, Oxford. He served as an Air Force Chaplain curing the Second World War, and afterwards was Rector of Rotherfield Peppard from 1946 to 1958. Vicar of Windsor from 1958 to 1973, and Chaplain to Her Majesty the Queen from 1964 to 1975. He combined his Church ministry with radio broadcasting, lecturing and writing. His other publications include These Greatest Things and Love Speaks from the Cross.

Revd Professor Paul Badham

The Revd Professor Paul Badham is Leslie Badham’s elder son and has chaired the Newson Trust since its inception. He is Emeritus Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Wales, Trinity St David. He has degrees from Oxford, Cambridge and Birmingham and numerous publications in Theology, Religious Studies, philosophy and medical ethics. His most recent books are ‘Making sense of death and immortality’ and ‘Is there a Christian case for assisted dying?’

Dr Gregory A. Barker

Dr Gregory A. Barker is a Fellow at the University of Winchester, formerly Head of Department for Theology and Religious Studies, Trinity College, Carmarthen. His books include Jesus Beyond Christianity (Oxford University Press) and Jesus in the World’s Faiths: Leading Thinkers from Five Religions Reflect on His Meaning (Orbis). His website is

Dr Kathy Ehrensperger

Dr Kathy Ehrensperger (author of the essay on Jesus found on this site) is Research Professor – New Testament in Jewish Context at Abraham Geiger College, University of Potsdam. She is also Executive Editor of The Encyclopaedia of Jewish-Christian Relations and the author of numerous publications including, ‘Paul ant the Crossroads of Cultures: Theologizing in the Space Between (Bloomsbury)